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Janina (Trienekens) Santamarina (*1986) is a sculptor from Nettetal, Germany who´s main focus lies on public interventions, installations, softplastics and -sculptures. Transforming materials and inventing new ways of transmutations is the heart of her work. Public statues become the canvas for feminist replys, windy metro stations turn into areas of environmental investigation, galleries shape shift in light spheres.

She studied History of Art and Object- and Spacedesign in the Ruhr Area, was engaged in performance projects (Anonym Artists, dasistbloeff) and open studios where she experimented with different forms of social art and design. For a decade she is working in museums, such as the International Centre for Light Art in Unna or currently the Ernst Barlach Haus in Hamburg, where she is an art educator on a theoretical and practical level. Since 2015 she lives in Hamburg, exhibits in the off-space-scene and directly on the streets in an urban context.

BIO key points


Working on wind installation named SCHWELLEN (SWELL) for exhibition in public space - VOR DIE TÜR at Kunstverein Meißen from Juli till September 2024. How to work with Plastic - Workshop on 5th of september in Meißen. Mixed Media Workshops at Ernst Barlach Haus in August. 


Developing new form of still lifes with plastic. Two months hospitalization. Exhibition and painting at Grenzgänger Gallery in Kaldenkirchen NRW in April and May. Part of Architektursommer Hamburg with Xpon Gallery in June, windsculptures in urban context - Exhibition RAUM_nehmen. In August Windsculpture WEHEN at Ernst Barlach Haus, Jenischpark, Hamburg.


International Saloon exhibition BEYONDBEYOND at MEETFrida Gallery, cooperation with Stephanie Lüning (Saloon Dresden) on DURCHDRINGEN. Working on windsculptures, Intervention WEHEN on metro stations in Hamburg. Panel talk at The Assembly of Friendship Baku-Dresden on NICE FIGURE in Dresden. Project Portfolios and Zines.


NICE FIGURE intervention at Alsterpark, Stephansplatz, Planten & Blomen in Hamburg. Start working for Society Of Lichtwark (Lichtwarkgesellschaft) - developing CULT programm for 15-18 year old students, constructing large plastics with them. Exhibition experiment EMOTIONAL SCULPTURE at Westwerk Hamburg. Moderating Spechte Remix – audiovisual performance at Ernst Barlach Haus. Aesthetic research for Kulturbehörde Hamburg.


ARTIST IN QUARANTINE at Nachtspeicher23e.V.. BUNCH OF KUNST IN QUARANTINE online exhibition London. YOU´ve GOT MAIL exhibition Saloon Hamburg. Beginning of NICE FIGURE intervention at Jenisch Park and Hammer Park. Costume Design for theatrical performance „Kimomo“ at Comedia Theater Cologne. Studio becomes too small dued to corona. Looking for new job opportunities. Stop working for Elbphilharmonie. Workshop on art education for blind people with Matthias Knigge.


Workshop with Jaques Tilly on large plastics (Großplastik) in Düsseldorf. Performance VÖLVEN costume design at acting school Arturo in Cologne. RAHMEN_LOS exhibition at Xpon-art gallery. FREISTIL exhibition at Hamburger city hall. Marrying César Nieto Santamarina, not changing „real“ name Trienekens, but adopting artist name Santamarina from mother in law. Intervention experiments in urban contexts with plastic nets FUGUE.


Exhibiting BUBBLES in various spaces: NOMADS exhibition at Nachtspeicher23e.V. Getting to know Manya Gramsch MA. WUCHERN UND VERSCHWINDEN (grow rampant and disappear) exhibition with Francoise Le Boulanger at Artist House Bergedorf. NACHTAKTIV exhibition at Mönchengladbach Culture Nights. Becoming a new member of Saloon Hamburg, thus getting to know Charlotte Gaitzsch MA and Dr. Franziska Storch.


2017 New studio in Hamburg Bergedorf. Growing Sculptures with soil and seeds GREEN GRAUS. 2016 Great depression. Start working at Ernst Barlach Haus. Creating with nylon, stockings and plastic bags in combination. Three dimensional version of PUNKT PUNKT PUNKT.

2015 Developing PUNKT PUNKT PUNKT space and thesis plus exhibition, performance and event at Schermbeck NRW. Thus becoming Bachelor of Arts in Object and Spacedesign. Mentored by Nora Fuchs. Collecting old nylons from sick grandmother. Moving to Hamburg.


2014 Focus on Social Art and Social Design projects in Dortmund. Developing and running project HERBE KUNST for immigrants, asylum seekers of all ages. Offering Workshops on sculpting, painting, carving and collages, funded by city of Dortmund for 6 months.  2013 Working in International Centre for Light Art in Unna. Open Studio initiative NORDSTADT SESSIONS funded by city of Dortmund up to 2015. Studying at University of Applied Science in Dortmund, Object- and Spacedesign. Experimenting with various materials. First time thinking of being a sculptor and not a painter. Part of BLÖFF Dortmund.

© Janina Trienekens Santamarina

Peterskampweg 67

22089 Hamburg

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